Wednesday, November 10, 2010

54. of mountains and valleys

i just heard a very interesting analogy of life from a friend.

she said that in life, we all want to be on top of mountains,
always striving to get to the highest peak.
but we do not realise that we can be quite lonely up there.
we tend to be ignorant of other's needs and become selfish.
we forget our roots thinking highly of ourselves.

on the other hand, no one wants to be at the bottom of the valley.
it is our lowest point in life where everything seemed to be against us.
but we are never alone because there are a lot of other people who will be there to support us.
it is really not that bad being at the valley for it is fertile and full of life.

therefore, do not fret when we sometimes find ourselves at the valley of life.
it is not the end of our lives.
things happened for a reason.
if only we could just open our blind eyes to see and
appreciate the small things at the valley.

i guess i learn much more when i am at the valley.
appreciating the little blessings that i have overlooked when i was at the mountain top.
the land is so much more fertile that i can grow and bear the fruits of the spirit.
even though i could get a really good view at the mountain top once in a while,
i would still always prefer to be at the valley where the land is fertile and full of life.

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