my year 5..
i was teaching about the vikings and i showed them a video. they suggested that they wanted to come up with a play. i thought that was interesting though i didn't expect much from this 9-10 years old bunch of lovely kids..but oh dear..they did gave me a surprise!! they did a marvelous job with props and all. Bravo for the effort put in kids!! we all had a good laugh to see them get in and out of the ship made from cardboard. lots of laughter and fun..i sure hope you all had as much fun as i had watching the short play.

my year 7..
they are a whole group of kids with random thoughts and ideas. their task was to come up with their own design of their classroom and their product was more than just a classroom. some wanted to have swimming pool in the classroom.. some wanted a big underground aquarium that they can walk under with fish swimming above them.. others wanted an underground airport so that they can have their own airplanes.. some with very high tech classroom which might be possible in 50 years to was fun watching them present their thoughts and ideas. it was just funny..
i had to teach them PSHE as well and i was explaining to them about the consequences of having sex before marriage. they were so excited!! and most of them had no idea what was a condom. i tried explaining and one of them asked if i had it with was an awkward moment as they waited for my answer..hmmm..sorry kids..i don't have any and i don't need it now..ask me again in another 10 years.. ;p
my year 9..
compared to my year 5 and year 7, they are very quiet with a lot of inside jokes and gossip going around..i admit i was a bit biased on them from the stories i heard from other teachers. but when i got to know them, they are lovely as they are. because they are more matured, i got to be careful of what i say as it can mean a lot of other things to them..their mind is pretty corrupted by this age.. at the end of my first week there, a boy came up to me and asked me if i hated their class. honestly, that question struck me hard.. it got me thinking a lot as to why he asked me that. i was pretty sure i treated them with respect and care. i later found out that my approach was rather different from what they had expected and they thought i hated them. well kids, that's just my approach in the beginning..things will loosen up later worries..
it has just been two weeks since i started teaching in this school..i love the kids.. i can do so much of activities with them..they had no problem understanding me at all. but, i don't quite fancy the management of this place. too much protocol and what not..which made it a terrible place..but to be fair, things was a bit better in my second week..i guess i got the hang of it all..but that doesn't mean i like the way things are done..definitely a good experience..